Interconnected Stories

This campaign occurs on multiple Prime Material Planes: Granzia, Sloane, and Iwi. With Divergent Paths, we are trying to give the listeners a broader look at what is happening during the main storyline. Connections & Story Beats:

  • Keeper of the Light & Valedictorian – Backstory of The Executioner & The Jury (The Constable’s Lieutenants)
  • Fall of Ors Themar – Circle of Friends (parallel campaign) and Arguile
  • Granz Summoning Circle – Circle of Friends (parallel campaign)
  • The Sky District & Eldertwine – Alaera, Torbera, Marleigh, and Peak (connections to Nymora Invasion & Hoshino)
  • Sleeping Giants & The Shrouded Mask – Ren & Cenari of the Shuffle Guild (connections to Zechs, Galahad, Shanks, Arguile, and Glad)
  • A Grudge to be Nursed – Pincushion Maker (connections to Shanks)
  • The Twilight Cypher – Tamsin, Rinn, and Lyra (connections to Arguile and his guild)
  • Bound to the Void – Ÿbo, Gerviss, and Iolan (connections to Arguile)
  • A Family Forged in Flame – Lenore & The Tell Tale Guild (connections to Shanks, Arguile, and Attros)
  • Wild Card – Nimia & Mr. Bell (connections to Hoshino)

Keeper of the Light

Follows the Constable’s lieutenant “The Executioner”, Naym, and her struggle to uphold her oath to the Daughter of the Light while working with the Constable.

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The innermost thoughts of the Constable’s lieutenant “The Jury”, Inilia, as she navigates her feelings around her decision to join him, and the consequences of her failures.

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The Fall of Ors Themar

Follows the final journal entries of Commander Vaelin during a demonic invasion from the Abyss of the Drow city Ors Themar, and his hopes for the reclamation of the city.

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Granz City Summoning Circle

Follows an important moment of the Circle of Friends as they embark on a parallel quest to stop the Constable and his machines underneath Granz City.

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The Sky District

Follows Nymora residents Alaera, Marleigh, Peak, and Torbera as they meet with Minister Fallyn in Balazaar’s Sky District to discuss the extraplanar incursions into Sloane.

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A continuation of Alaera’s, Marleigh’s, Peak’s, and Torbera’s journey in which they happen upon the afflicted village of Yankoshi, and their struggle to decide the best course of action regarding the disease.

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Sleeping Giants

Follows Ren, a member of the Shuffle Guild as she discovers the terrible plan of Dragomir’s revenge upon the Goliath of Terran Ridge in the tundra of Coldbring, and the connection to her patron: Arioch.

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The Shrouded Mask

Follows Cenari, a member of the Shuffle Guild, as she explores connections to events happening across Granzia in Luxenborough, including news from Coldbring, and cult activities in the Forest Bastion.

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A Grudge to be Nursed

Follows the POV of the notorious serial killer the “Pincushion Maker” as they terrorize and murder the elite across Granzia. This particular kill is within Granz City.

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The Twilight Cypher

Follows a small group of Rogues within the Masterful Gains Thieves’ Guild trying to stop the doomsday group The Shadow Veil from disrupting the arcane lay lines in Iwi.

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Bound to the Void

Follows the life and story of Ÿbo Nikersk, the former Dragon Knight initiate who turned the tide against the Drosian Empire and their reign of terror across Sloane.

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A Family Forged in Flame

Follows the current movements of Lenore (Attros’s resurrected wife) and the Tell Tale Guild plotting to further the agenda of Elrin. Also known as the Archfiend Arioch.

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Wild Card

Follows Nimia of the Gathakinathi Clan as she meets with the mysterious Mr. Bell to inform him of the adventurer, Hoshino Matsuo, the Bard of 100 Towns.

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