It is generally accepted by historians and scholars that Sloane has had six different ages and it is currently in the seventh age, though this is only thought to be because there are no surviving records from earlier than 7.5k years ago. Each age has lasted roughly 1k-1.5k years, always marked by a cataclysm that wipes out a large chunk of its inhabitants. This cycle is perpetuated because it is believed that the world is, in fact, a living and sentient being. From what can be gleaned from records of previous ages, scarce as they are, all of the cataclysms have been brought on by an imbalance between the world and its inhabitants. The most recent cataclysm was staved off by several groups of people not fifty years earlier than the present day.
Throughout the world, one will see patches or bunches of pure white natural structures. Whether they are pillars of salt, swatches of tall grass, clusters of trees, or juts of stone and ice; these natural structures are suspected to be natural soft spots in the world. Upon a full moon, whether it be Alea, Ethillon, or Inziri, these structures will open portals to different areas of this world. It is thought to be random where you are taken, however on the rare occurrence that multiple moons are in their full stages, the ability to choose the destination of the portal is thought to happen.
The Heartwood is a gargantuan tree in the midst of a massive forest. All of the forest’s flora is connected to the Heartwood’s root system. Legend has it that each age the Heartwood chooses an Arbiter that both speaks for and protects the whole of the forest sanctuary. Ancient ruins scatter the landscape and in the north are two major cities: Nymora, (mainly Tabaxi), and Invenas, (mainly wood elves). This area’s western borders consist of a large mountain range known as the Shattered Range. There are legends that within the heart of this range the essence of the world lies.
The Gathering Storm is a vast swath of evergreen forests, grasslands, and coastlines with a mountainous western border, known as the Barrier Range. Within this range lies many of the Goliath tribes. Its coasts are lined with tall cliff faces, save for the lower peninsula where Brinecrest is located. It is said that there is an ancient being that lives off of the northeastern shores, constantly stirring the waves around it and causing an almost continuous series of storms to bombard the coastline. There are 3 major cities: Stargrave, (mostly Aasimar/Tiefling), Fosheim, (mostly Human), and Brinecrest, (mostly Gnome).
The Burned is a stretch of land that is surrounded by mountains and tundra, its western border consists of the Wandering Range and its eastern border the Barrier Range. Its southern stretches are vast grasslands of red, yellow, and orange tall reed grass. When the winds from the north cut down through the plains the combination of the sheer size of the area and the brittle grass gives it the appearance and sound of being ablaze. There is one city on the upper plateau: Zur Algud, (mainly Dragonborn and Dragon). The dragons are of three: Gem, Chromatic, and Metallic. They tend to follow what is their goals and not the goals of color. Chromatics tend to be chaotic, but here they can be good.
The Wandering Hills is the majority of the western side of Sloane. It encompasses mainly massive mountain ranges, (The Wandering Range and The Shattered Range), low-altitude deserts, and desolate islands. This region has its name due to the fact that throughout history these mountain ranges have moved and continue to do so. There are 3 major cities in this region: Narmwhor, (mostly Dwarf), Datsoll, (mostly Unillum/Orc/Half-orc), and Tradeshore, (mostly Tiefling). The Wandering Range also consists of many different Orc and Half-orc communities as well as several different varieties of Giant.