In the northeast of the isolated nation of Granzia sits the Elven city of Luxenburough. Nestled west of Tarren Ridge, south of Dragonborn Valley and the Yiegelf (EE-gelf) Mountains, and east of the Levias (lev-EYE-us) Crossing in the Granzian Sea the refugees of the first War of the Fey Kings made their home. Comprised mainly of Eladrin and High Elves, Luxenburough is a beacon of wealth, magic, and tradition. However, like many other Elven communities, the distribution of these things isn’t equal. While the city’s interior boasts the highest levels of magic, architecture, and affluence, the surrounding neighborhoods are closer to their more natural counterparts in the Forest Bastion.
The city is divided into six separate districts. Each of these is run by a prominent family in the community. These six families choose a representative for their district every century on the eve of the festival of Ar’Rennarna. These representatives, or Tel’ya (tell-YUH), make up the council, or Caeril’durr (say-er-ill-DUR), that will run the city’s affairs for the coming 100 years. The families that sit on the Caeril’durr are the Galanodel (gala-no-DELL), the Alakirr (ALA-keer), the Callorum (KA-lore-um), the Ridama (ri-DA-ma), the Donlaran (dun-LA-rin), and the Ruascient (roo-A-shent). These families represent both the founders of the city and the newly ascended.
To the rest of the world, Luxenburough is a united city of power, distinction, and prominence, but the reality is much different. Those who live within its city limits can attest to the difference between the inner and outer districts. While the inner districts are composed of the nobility and founding families, the outer districts are comprised of the working and artisan classes. The inner city is focused more on power, bloodlines, and the arcane. The outer neighborhoods focus more on industry and craftsmanship. If a visitor was to walk from the city’s exterior walls toward the center, they would be confronted with a real fundamental change in surroundings the closer they got to the inner districts. Moving from dirt and packed earth paths and roads in the more natural dwellings of the densely forested outer districts to the broader, paved, and cobblestone roads in the more manicured and developed residences of the Fey and Elven-inspired inner districts.
Faith is another subject that changes the further you travel into the city. In the outer districts, different pantheons of gods are prominent. These pantheons include but aren’t limited to, The Protector, The Moonweaver, The Hunter, The Lone Wolf, The Winsome Rose, and The Trickster. Depending on the district or neighborhood, one god may be more prominent than the others. The closer you get to the center of the city, the pantheons fall away, and you are confronted with a monotheistic worship of The Protector. There is a heavy connection between The Protector and the creation of the Fey and the Elves, making him the preeminent deity among the elite and “pure” bloodlines. However, two things keep the city united and in working order: the export and industry surrounding the Weave Willow and the festival of Ar’Rennarna.
The Weave Willow is one of the most critical resources that the city has access to. Having settled within a grove of these arcane-infused trees, Luxenburough has leveraged their innate connection to the weave to their benefit. Having exhausted the natural resource within their own “annexed” land, the Caeril’durr made a deal with their neighbors in the Forest Bastion. In return for access to a section of the Forest Bastion and Weave Willows, Luxenburough must cease its expansion and remain out of the affairs of those who dwell in the Bastion. This doesn’t stop the black market trade of illegal harvesting. The Weave Willow Grove is a significant resource of arcane-infused magic items. It is the driving force of industry in the city and abroad.
The city’s founding is an important event in the history of Luxenburough. Every one hundred years, a celebration occurs in the month of Auntemit. This celebration is known as Ar’Rennarna or the Great Rebirth. Masks, costumes, and parades are commonplace. This is a month to show the rest of Granzia the wealth, power, and tradition of the Elves of Luxenburough.
Notable people and places
Pecian Nodelhond (puh-SEE-un no-DELL-hund) – M High Elf
- Highly sought-after crafter and artificer
- Proprietor of The Glowing Pixie
Miarie Donmith (me-ARE-ee DUN-myth) – M Eladrin
- Descendant of legendary warrior Laervyn Donmith (lay-AIR-vin DUN-myth), hero of the first War of the Fey Kings
- Captain of the Gisir Ath Tel’ya (gee-SEAR ahth tell-YA), the council guard or “Keepers of the Path”
Heyann Norrethymn (he-YAHNN nor-ret-HIM) – F High Elf
- Headmistress of the Shesh Ath Nelluon Menatu (shesh ahth neh-LOO-on men-AH-two) or Place of Hidden Knowledge
- Accomplished and lauded Abjuration Wizard
Thia Galanodel (THEE-yah gala-no-DELL) – F Eladrin
- Daughter of Tel’ya Galanodel
- Missing for more than a century
Twilight Gardens – a ring of perfectly manicured gardens that separate the interior and exterior districts. Here, the last remaining Weave Willows exist within the city limits.
Arcane Alley – an alleyway of extra-dimensional space that moves throughout the city. Said to be Luxenburough’s black market, contrived by rogues and wizards. Legend states that it appears in times of great need or temptation.