In the northern reaches of the majestic island, Skoaque lies the city of Nakoroa, a shining metropolis nicknamed “The Beacon of the North.” Nakoroa is a marvel of architecture, combining breathtaking magical constructs and efficient engineering, all infused with the spirit of the Weave. Fusing traditional towers and sprawling multifamily structures with the optimized placement […]
Category Archives: Across the Planes
In the southern reaches of Iwi, off the coast of Ecra, sits the small chain of islands called the Rowly Keys. Home to the descendants of Dwarves, Halflings, and Gnomes alike, this obscure set of islands has a strange history. Said to have been the extension of land from the Basoll Peninsula, these islands were […]
In the northwestern part of the island cluster of Iwi, sits the Mechfall Enclave. Consisting of eight separate islands, the largest is Mechfall, and sitting on its east coast is the city of Gamsby. Originally settled by Dwarves and Gnomes, they built their forges and workshops within the small row of mountains. Due to constant […]
In the northwest corner of The Heartwood, nestled between the Shattered Range and the Tempest’s Gauntlet sits the segmented Elven city of Invenas. Settled in the early days of recorded history, this city started as a religious site settled by six clans of Elves. They were the Boer clan, the Haell clan, the Rhuidhen clan, […]
In the northern reaches of Sloane’s “The Burned” region is the ancient city of Zur Algud. Built by Dragons before recorded history, it is a long-standing beacon of magic, industry, and power. Legend has it that the city is built upon the battlegrounds between ancient Dragons and the few remaining Great Wyrms of Sloane. So […]
Nestled in the northeast of Sloane’s massive forest, known as the Heartwood, is the Tabaxi city of Nymora. It was founded by the Nymora siblings, four brothers and a sister, after the mass exodus of Tabaxi from the surrounding areas of the Elven city of Invenas. Focused on community and the well-being of all of […]
In the northern reaches of Granzia sits a region often left to its own devices. Rugged mountains, tundra, and a slumbering ancient white dragon are all features of the Coldbring region. Unbeknownst to most of the rest of the world, this region holds the deepest and darkest histories and secrets about Granzia’s beginnings, from the […]
In the center of Granzia, like a spine jutting from the ground, is the mountain range known as Terran Ridge. Here is where the 5 main Goliath Clans reside and hold dominion. The Gathakanthi clan is a patriarchal and formidable warrior culture that resides in seclusion within the northernmost region of Terran Ridge. Renowned for […]
In the northeast of the isolated nation of Granzia sits the Elven city of Luxenburough. Nestled west of Tarren Ridge, south of Dragonborn Valley and the Yiegelf (EE-gelf) Mountains, and east of the Levias (lev-EYE-us) Crossing in the Granzian Sea the refugees of the first War of the Fey Kings made their home. Comprised mainly […]