Nymora, the Heartwood, Sloane

Nestled in the northeast of Sloane’s massive forest, known as the Heartwood, is the Tabaxi city of Nymora. It was founded by the Nymora siblings, four brothers and a sister, after the mass exodus of Tabaxi from the surrounding areas of the Elven city of Invenas. Focused on community and the well-being of all of its citizens, the siblings formed a council to govern based upon the pillars it was created by. The heads of four houses: Artisans, Order, Scribes, and the Divine see to the city’s fate with an elected official sitting as the tie-breaker and voice of the people, known as the Scale Bearer. While there are social and economic inequalities, the poverty rate is meager due to social programs and community outreach. 

Nymora is unique among the cities of Sloane, being the only one that is built vertically among the only known grove of gargantuan trees, known as Evergrain. These massive trees have incredible natural tensile strength while also exhibiting great feats of flexibility. The city is divided up into five neighborhoods that get smaller and more exclusive the higher you go. The largest and lowest neighborhood is called the Boroughs. It holds a large portion of the population and is the location of many markets, trades, schools, and multifamily homes. At a height of thirty feet is the Guildcrest neighborhood, which is comprised of mainly guilds and merchants. The Bridge Ward neighborhood sits at fifty feet in elevation, housing many middle-class families. Sitting at eighty feet up is the Prosperity District, featuring more extensive and extravagant homes and luxury businesses. Perched at the top of the city, one hundred ten feet up is the Point neighborhood. This is where the council and elite members of society live, and the headquarters for the four houses. 

Among the many reasons to travel to or live in Nymora, the food culture is near the top. With many versatile natural ingredients nearby, the city is a hub for culinary innovation and exotic fruits and spices. However, the most sought-after is the Cinder Paw. Found among the smaller trees of the area, these unique fruits resemble a cat’s paw dangling from a tree branch. Depending on how it is prepared, the fruit can vary in taste and flavor, going from very sweet to tart to spicy. Another sought-after resource, only available in Nymora, is the trees that the city is built upon and inside, the Evergrain. Because of their massive size, the act of pruning the branches of these trees produces excess lumber. The sale of this excess lumber funds many social programs that keep the quality of life high for all citizens.

While most religions are welcome within the city limits of Nymora, the Pantheran (pan-THAIR-en) Pantheon is the dominant structure. The six goddesses represent all that is important in the Tabaxi culture. Gosyn (go-SIN), a Cheetah, is the Goddess of Protection, Pleasure, and Good Health. Nireana (near-EE-na), a Tiger, is the Goddess of War. Nianke (nee-AHN-key), a Lion, is the Goddess of Judgment, Justice, and Execution. Aphy (AH-fee), a Cougar, is the Goddess of Trickery and Wit. Xidea (zi-DEAH), a Black Panther, is the Goddess of Death. And Tumra (TOOM-rah), a Snow Leopard, is the Goddess of the Spirit World.

At the end of each year, and the beginning of the next, all of Nymora participates in the Festival of Nines. These nine days are significant to the overall community health of the city. Throughout the festival, they will celebrate those who have passed on and those who have come into the world. There is a focus on family, the community, and the gods. Abstinence from vices, giving back to the Heartwood, and striving to be better is a key fixture as well. The entire week culminates in a day of celebration and revelry spanning the five neighborhoods. 

Notable people and places

  • Hidden Depths (Depth) – F Tabaxi
    • Head of the plain clothes guard, The Goze
    • Star pupil of the monk Lupeux, leader of the Monastery of Perpetuity
  • Five Stripe (Stripe) – M Tabaxi
    • Current Scale Bearer elected by the populous
    • Former Cinder Paw farmer and organizer in the Borough
  • Busy Bee (Bee) – F Tabaxi
    • Owner and operator of Baker, Baker, Biscuit Maker
    • Cutting-edge baker and confectionary in the Heartwood
  • Paw of a Bear (Paw) – M Tabaxi
    • Director of Intercultural Affairs
    • Heads the research and integration of non-Tabaxi culture and tradition into the inner workings of the city and council
  • Packman Markets – Specialized markets, both big and small, that appear throughout the Borough neighborhood. Some are within buildings, others in the open air, while others still are down back alleys and staircases.
  • Nymora Sky Port – One of a handful of ports for Sky Ships. The Sky Port is a central hub for the southern reaches of the Heartwood that extends north to Balazaar, Brinecrest, and the Barrier Range Goliath Nations.

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