In the northwestern part of the island cluster of Iwi, sits the Mechfall Enclave. Consisting of eight separate islands, the largest is Mechfall, and sitting on its east coast is the city of Gamsby. Originally settled by Dwarves and Gnomes, they built their forges and workshops within the small row of mountains. Due to constant war on the larger islands, many refugees flocked to the islands to seek sanctuary. The reaction from the existing community was rather utilitarian, “You’re welcome here, what do you bring to the table?”
The city grew out from the mountains, eventually making its way to the coast. Gamsby’s placement was as much planning as it was providence. It sits on the convergence of several arcane ley lines, infusing the land and its components with a rich arcane attribute. With its inclusive nature, the city’s technology grew exponentially. While others rode horses and mounts, the Enclave developed horseless carriages or Iron Steeds. While others made plate armor, the Enclave manufactured mechanized cocoons for their combatants to ride in. While the others fought, the Enclave devised public transportation like the Steel Serpents and Wyrm Tunnels.
Gamsby’s culture is a strange mixture of tradition and innovation. If you were to walk the streets, you would see many old and traditional styles of architecture. But you would also see advanced technology infused within it, stone and masonry mixed with steel and glass. Guilds play an important role here as well, seeking the balance of tradition and innovation. If you want something built, something that will stand the test of time and the hardships of war, Gamsby is the place you would go.
While its inhabitants are from different cultures, they all share one thing in common: a reverence for creation. This ties heavily into their faith. To outsiders, the citizens worship an “anonymous” pantheon known as the Tradesmen. Though, in private, individuals worship different aspects of a particular Tradesman that is inherent in their original culture. This allows for unity and tradition to exist as one. The old masters of each of the guilds represented in the Tradesmen joined forces to create sentient arcane clockwork guardians for the city called Warforged. These guardians would serve as a template for their future endeavors in mechanized warfare manufacturing and the production of arcane batteries.
Gamsby, and Mechfall as a whole, have always been neutral in the wars of other islands and their peoples. This, however, doesn’t stop them from trading with either or both sides of a conflict. The crafters showed great foresight in their design when many of the warring factions turned their own weapons against them. Seeing the inevitability of this situation, the crafters built a killswitch into all of the tech that they produced for trade. Winning a war before it even started without a single blow. This particular event is celebrated after the election of their governing council, every five years.
Its official title is the “Killswitch Event”, but it is colloquially known as the Day of Faforian. It’s celebrated with a week-long festival and tournaments. Once the populace elects their council from the various represented races and cultures, they host this event for the entirety of Iwi. Every city-state is invited to bring its best fighters, crafters, culinary artists, and performers to compete in tournaments for bragging rights. Arenas, theaters, forges, and hawker stalls filled to the brim with spectators, all vying for the chance to see that cycle’s champion be crowned. It’s estimated that close to two-thirds of the entire population of the island cluster of Iwi attends this event in one form or another.
Notable people and places
- Thavengrid Leatherbane – F Hill Dwarf
- The current sitting member of the council for Dwarvenkind
- Four-time smithing champion
- Wilbis Tosslelob – M Rock Gnome
- Head of the Tinkerer’s Guild
- Inventor of the Tortle Class Mechanized Troop Carrier
- Zalista – F Tiefling
- Head Mechanic of the Sacred Guardians
- Cleric of the Forging Hammer
- Yarwrick Rumblebrand – M Stout Halfling
- Commander of the Airborne Battalion, “The Darting Wyverns”
- Former council member and descendant of Tegin Rumblebrand, the crafter who devised the Killswitch
- The Arcane Spire – a massive tower that rises high above the city. It is constructed entirely out of shimmering crystal, and it is said to be the heart of the city’s magical power grid. It channels arcane energy throughout the city to power the various machines and devices.
- The Dreaming Well – a mystical pool that lies deep beneath the city streets. It is said to be a gateway to the realm of dreams, where one can communicate with powerful dream entities and gain insight into the mysteries of the universe.