In the southern reaches of Iwi, off the coast of Ecra, sits the small chain of islands called the Rowly Keys. Home to the descendants of Dwarves, Halflings, and Gnomes alike, this obscure set of islands has a strange history. Said to have been the extension of land from the Basoll Peninsula, these islands were created by a powerful druid loyal to the Son of the Sea. Standing at its very edge, the druid channeled the power of the seas and earth beneath him to raise the tides and lower the land into them. Because this was done at a time of great strife and war, the Druid, known only as Farfoot, altered the tidal pattern surrounding the islands. Making it nearly impossible to navigate.
Through these auspicious beginnings, the islands began to thrive. Consisting of the Old Mountain, The Gate, and Tide Loch the Rowly Keys have become a formidable naval culture and proficient farmers and traders. The Old Mountain is home to livestock herders of goats, cattle, and the like. The Gate is home to many traders, sailors, and the dreaded Shimmering Raiders. Tide Loch is the home to the Farfoots, a Thieves Guild of Swashbucklers and Rogues, who govern the island community, and handle the affairs of the navy. Between The Gate and Tide Loch sits Unagi Valley, a vast network of stilted houses built upon a coral reef filled with fish and unique eels that are integral to the way of life on the Keys.
Since the stout folk and the lightfoot folk are descended from Dwarf and Gnome alike, they tend to live their personal lives underground. The islands are said to be riddled with tunnels and dwellings that stretch throughout the islands and even under the coral reefs. The Topside is reserved for communal gatherings, with fisherman’s huts along the coasts and arch houses further inland for barracks, temples, and guest dwellings. As the folk who dwell on these islands are of Halfling blood, many social and spiritual gatherings are held Topside.
Because of the ingrained history and lore surrounding the Rowly Keys and the Son of the Seas, his worship is paramount on the islands. While it’s not compulsory, it is easily the most popular among the Halfling population. Conservation of the waters, biodiversity, mastery of navigation, and perseverance are key tenants that the Son of the Seas followers adhere to. Said to be always watching and listening, common rituals while in the seas are tossing copper pieces as offerings and singing shanties to gain favor on long voyages. The Son is even said to wander the Keys from time to time in the guise of a Ghostwise Halfling.
The Rowly Keys have several exports, not least of which is the Gleaming Eels. Nestled in the waters of Unagi Valley, these eels are an essential part of life on the Keys. Not only are they a major food source, but their bioluminescent sacks are used for war paint with the Shimmering Raiders. These sacks that run along the top of the spine of these eels came to be through the cultivation of a form of bioluminescent and arcane algae called Sea Sparkle. While it is abundant in the oceans, the unique biosphere of the Keys lends to a greater potency and purity than elsewhere. Sea Sparkle is a base ingredient for any and all arcane potions, and the quality surrounding the Keys makes it highly sought after by the rich and powerful.
Halflings are a jovial and celebratory bunch and therefore have several major festivals throughout the year. The two main events are known as the Rites of the Reef, a yearly competition of speed, wit, and ingenuity in the form of a race through the coral reefs and strange tides of the Keys; during monsoon season no less. Competitors begin building their crafts on the Spring Equinox and must be prepared to sail two weeks before the Summer Solstice. The winners have their vessels added to the Shimmering Raider’s fleet and determine who is next in line as captains. The second event is actually separated into two parts. The first is the Festival of Writhing Tides, which is the beginning of the mating season for Gleaming Eels. For two weeks the Keys celebrate the continuation of the eels life cycle. Several months later, the second half called the Hatching Coasts, sees the results of the former festival come to fruition.
Notable people and places
- Belnor Greentop – M Stout Halfling
- Current Leader of the Shimmering Raiders
- Known for writing messages in common on the sails of his ship as a warning and fear tactic on raids
- Sylkis Thistleglide – F Ghostwise Halfling
- Youngest Arch Druid and arbitrator to the Son of the Seas
- First Thistleglide to become a practitioner of natural magic
- Elemin Cloudbranch – M Lightfoot Halfling
- Liaison with the city of Ghelgo
- Master sailor, trader, and explorer
- Vasira Farfoot – F Lightfoot Halfling
- Head of the Farfoots
- Former Leader of the Shimmering Raiders and 3-time champion of the Rites of the Reefs
- Ventlan Reefs – Submerged, natural hot springs along the southern coasts of The Gate. Said to have restorative properties and natural healing waters.
- The Glowing Precipice – At the top of Old Mountain is a small crater on its western side. Because of its former active volcano status and the Sea Sparkle being thrown about in the ocean spray, the crater glows in bright pinks, oranges, and reds through algae and fungal growth.