Nakoroa, Skoaque, Iwi

In the northern reaches of the majestic island, Skoaque lies the city of Nakoroa, a shining metropolis nicknamed “The Beacon of the North.” Nakoroa is a marvel of architecture, combining breathtaking magical constructs and efficient engineering, all infused with the spirit of the Weave. Fusing traditional towers and sprawling multifamily structures with the optimized placement of specialists within each district. All tied together with multiple networks of public transit, keeping the city moving and pulsating like a beating heart. While magic may be its fuel, commerce, and greatness are the city’s motivations, with the teachings of the Coin Maiden at its core. 

The city’s governance rests in the hands of a powerful council of mages known as the Shepherds of the Dragonfly. The Shepherds are not hereditary rulers but mages who have excelled in their respective fields, whether it be elemental magic, healing arts, or arcane research. They serve for a limited term and eventually retire, allowing new mages to take up the mantle and bring fresh perspectives and innovations to Nakoroa. However, the ideas of self-expression and free-thinking are cautioned against, as they can and have led to disastrous consequences. This unique system ensures a continuous cycle of growth and progress in the city.

The people of Nakoroa are fiercely patriotic, instilled with a deep sense of nationalism. They take great pride in their city’s efficiency and strive to make it the epitome of greatness. Nakoroans are known for their discipline and work ethic. Every form of labor in the city, whether magical or mundane, is considered essential and revered. They believe that each person’s contribution, no matter how small, contributes to the overall prosperity of Nakoroa. Every member of society, including indentured servants, must go through a test called the Beacon of Brightness. This test determines what your skills and strengths are and how you will contribute to keeping the Beacon of the North shining bright.

However, Nakoroa is not without its challenges. The city is locked in a long-standing conflict with their Dwarven neighbors from Dal Thurum. The reasons for the animosity might be rooted in historical territorial disputes or differences in culture and ideology. Regardless, the conflict adds an air of tension and urgency to Nakoroa’s efforts to strengthen its defenses and foster alliances. In their endeavors, Nakoroa has found strong allies in the Elves of Ryf Serin on the neighboring island of Ecra and the Humans on the island of Esmurg, as well as the Drow of Ors Themar. The four factions have formed a close bond, united by their shared values of progress, cooperation, and mutual protection. This alliance allows Nakoroa to bolster its position in the region and promote stability and security. While Nakoroans maintain strong friendships with their allies, they harbor a deep dislike for the neighboring Mechfall Enclave. This rivalry often leads to diplomatic clashes and, at times, covert conflicts as each city vies for dominance in the region.

The lives of Nakoroans don’t solely revolve around work and their inner drive toward greatness. There are times of leisure and celebration in the northern city. Daily, the individual shifts within each specialty or guild will head to their local watering hole for Luminance. As a way to unwind from the stresses of the day and to engage in social gatherings, the citizens of Nakoroa will imbibe a clear liquor called Shine. Distilled with a minor stimulant and enchanted with a minor light cantrip, Shine is the go-to beverage or mixer for the tradition of Luminance. Once a year, however, the city celebrates the removal of a terrible leader known as Orvol Grev. Doubling as a cautionary tale, Orvol Grev Day, or OG Day, is a festival that involves self-reflection and the purging of individualistic thoughts. In the evening, the city gathers at its park and recreation area to burn an effigy of Orvel Grev, while the citizens toss smaller statues of the man into the beacon fire.

Notable people and places

  • High Shepherdess Lysandra Stormweaver, F Half-Elf:
    • Specialty: Master of Elemental Magic and Diplomacy
    • Lysandra is the youngest person to have ever become a High Shepherdess in Nakoroa’s history, earning her title at the age of 47.
    • She is known for her remarkable ability to negotiate and maintain peaceful relations with neighboring Elven and Human leaders, fostering strong alliances for Nakoroa
  • Archmage Valerian Ironheart, M Human:
    • Specialty: Grandmaster of Runecrafting and Defensive Warding
    • Valerian was once an apprentice of the renowned Dwarf rune crafter, gaining a profound understanding of both Dwarven and Nakoroan magical practices.
    • He constructed Nakoroa’s most impenetrable defensive wards, making the city nearly impervious to enemy attacks during the ongoing conflict with Dal Thurum.
  • High Artificer Celestia, F Tiefling:
    • Specialty: Innovator of Enchanted Machinery and Magical Inventions
    • Celestia’s mechanical creations have revolutionized various industries in Nakoroa, increasing productivity and efficiency tenfold.
    • She is the creator of the Skygliders, magical flying machines that have become essential for quick transportation and reconnaissance.
  • Sentinel Orion Blackstone, M Drow:
    • Specialty: Master Tracker and Guardian of Nakoroa’s Wilderness
    • Orion is the leader of the Everwatchers, a group of skilled rangers and nature mages who protect the city’s outskirts from external threats.
    • He possesses an ancient amulet passed down through generations that allows him to communicate with the spirits of the wilderness, granting him unparalleled insight and guidance in his duties.
  • The Great Spiral Spire:
    • Dominating Nakoroa’s skyline, the Great Spiral Spire is an awe-inspiring magical structure. Rising high above the city, it serves as the central hub for the Shepherds of the Dragonfly and the Mageocracy’s governing body. Each floor houses a different department of magical expertise, where mages discuss matters of governance, defense, research, and more. The spire’s design is said to be influenced by ancient eldritch symbols, which imbue it with mystical energy, enhancing the powers of those within.
  • Crystal Gardens of Serenity:
    • The Crystal Gardens of Serenity offer a serene oasis amid the bustling cityscape of Nakoroa. These enchanted gardens are meticulously tended to by skilled horticulturists and nature mages, resulting in a breathtaking display of vibrant flowers, ornate sculptures, and tranquil ponds. The magical essence of the gardens creates a calming atmosphere, making it a popular destination for meditation, reflection, and leisurely strolls. Additionally, the Crystal Gardens hold a special significance in Nakoroan culture, serving as a place for important ceremonies, celebrations, and cultural events.

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